Thursday, April 21, 2011

BLOG: Cleanflix distro update

Joshua Ligairi » 4.21.11 »

I'm getting really good at big announcements with no specifics. Often, as with Knights of Mayhem, that has to do with the odd secrecy of the entertainment business more than anything else. In this instance, however, it is because I literally don't know the specifics. Despite months of deliberation and negotiation, details surrounding the distribution of Cleanflix are still a little hazy.

One thing I do know...we have signed a distribution contract with an awesome start-up indie distributor called United FIlms. Jason Connell, the man behind United Films, has distributed a few great documentaries in the past (including nostalgic favorite, The Rockafire Explosion) under the banner of his own production company, Connell Creations. Now, Jason, whose primary focus is the impressive network of six international film festivals that he runs in New York, Los Angeles, London, Chicago, San Francisco, and Tulsa (his hometown), is ready to get serious about indie distribution and has chosen Cleanflix to launch his new distro company (along with a pretty/mumbly fictional narrative called Gabi on the Roof In July that Cleanflix screened with at Cinequest and Sidewalk Film Festivals in 2010).

We really like Jason, we're excited by the huge network of exhibition and distribution contacts that he has cultivated through his film festival work, and we think his hybrid approach to distro is the right choice for this specific film in this specific market. So what will that include? Not totally sure at this point. We've discussed a myriad of options and tactics from the most traditional to the most radical. It seems that DVD, TV, VOD will all happen in one way or another and a semi-theatrical run of the film is still looking like a very reasonable option. I, for one, would be very happy about the possibility of a grassroots tour in my future, but the reality may look a little more limited and digital and hybrid. We'll see.

All that I can say for now is: Details forthcoming.

VIDEO: Fight For Your Right! revisited

Best. Short. Film. Ever.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

PODCAST: Escape from the compound

This is great podcast episode. Besides getting to brag about our inclusion on The Top 10 Movie Podcasts list by USA Today's Pop Candy, getting to mock Charlotte for her Justin Bieber documentary fandom, and getting to plug my new project with Apocalypse Radio, we also had the chance to speak to some really nice local filmmakers about their international hit polygamy documentary, Sons of Perdition. Charlotte's official write-up is below, but check out the site for the complete show notes (which include links to everything we talk about on the show) and don't forget to subscribe on iTunes.

Charlotte Cook » 4.13.11 »

It’s hard to believe we’re at episode 11 of the podcast already! This time Josh and I talk to the directors of Sons of Perdition, Tyler Measom and Jennilyn Merten, and discuss the True/False Film Festival, Josh’s latest project, a live-streaming Apocalypse Radio concert and my newfound love for Justin Bieber. This was one of the most fun podcasts I’ve had the chance to be on so far and we really hope you enjoy it (and I apologise in advance for any audible sniffing, as I had the flu during recording).

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