Friday, December 2, 2011

RECOMMENDATION: The Cowboys' Christmas Ball

Joshua Ligairi » 12.2.11 »

What better way to kick off the Christmas season than with a great new country-themed Christmas song by The Killers? And a super-funny music video to boot. You can get the whole EP for $6 and all the money goes to a good cause.

Now, I know some of you are thinking, "But, Brandon Flowers just came out as a Mormon. Mormons hate LGBTQ. We should boycott Brandon Flowers!" What do you say, gay community, do you think writing six songs and donating a ton of money to fight AIDS is enough penance for Brandon Flowers for simply admitting he loves his faith? Not all Mormons hate LGBTQ, in fact, many of us support the gay marriage movement. I mean, Flowers does a duet with Elton John on the record for cripes sake! Give the guy a break, get into the spirit of the season, and please enjoy this fine tune from a fine band.